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- Napoleon 2m
- Baphomei 5m
- QueenZombean 11m Singing the song that doesn't end, yes it goes...
- baewulf 16s
- JMo 2m All death is certain.
- Sivartas 7s I make the Grinch look happy.
- Slyter 6s
- BubbleKangaroo 1m
- adrognik 3m
- Enven 40s
a Mench 32s Doing a bit of everything.
- Emily 1h I lost myself, in the dark charade.
- PainFeeler 58s
- Terrible_the_duck 12m
- zxq 7m
- Hivemind 5m
- aethertm 1m
And 30 more hiding and/or disguised
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Free Cyberpunk Roleplaying

Sindome is an online text-based Cyberpunk Role Playing game (RPG) inspired by Neuromancer, Judge Dredd and more. You play online in real-time with other people. You'll develop a unique character with a past, thoughts, dreams, and secrets. Because roleplaying is required, there is an expectation that your character will have reasons for their actions. We've gone beyond your typical roleplaying text game. You don't decide your character's success or failure, the game does. Most everything you do will depend on the stats and skills your character possesses. This includes understanding languages, perception, combat, and a vast array of other things you can do.

Welcome to Withmore City!

The corporations have grown larger than the countries they were once entities of, their wealth and power allowing them to build a refuge away from the chaos that has befallen the globe. Once invested in their failed salvation, Withmore City was born out of their necessity to turn a profit. The blood, sweat, and very lives of the first citizens are a testament to the inequality that has existed since its birth, the city teem with the overflowing masses of corporate drones and ramshackle destitute. With the law empowering its patrolmen to be judge, jury, and executioner, the haves have a distinct advantage over the population that is forbidden from owning firearms themselves. The world progresses inexorably forward in 2108.
You seem smart, I think we'll get along quite well as perfect strangers.
A Johnson to his informant


You can be a criminal, a ripper doc, a corpie, a law enforcement officer, a fixer, a drunk a drug addict and anything else you can possibly come up with. Your character can grow, make friends, and become as real as any game will let you. If you're having some trouble thinking of a character idea you'd like to start out with, take a look at some of the ideas we've come up with over the years.


Sindome draws inspiration largely from some of the best science-fiction works of the past 30 years. Bladerunner, Neuromancer, Judge Dredd, Total Recall, Snow Crash, Fallout and more. If you are interested in these kinds of books, movies or games, then you should check out Sindome.
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